This isn't exactly pleasant, but sometimes you just have to do it! Copies of "The 30-Foot Bride Of Candy Rock" are pretty hard to find, but maybe that's really not such a bad thing! I don't know, it just seems like this whole movie takes it's stupidity too seriously! Forced might be a good description! You've got a fine cast with Lou Costello, Dorothy Provine, Gale Gordon etc, but this film should really probably have been a 30 minute pilot for some TV sitcom. Even the music by the brilliant Raoul Kraushaar is pretty limp, and, the theme would be befitting to a Ma & Pa Kettle episode!
Filmed in 'Wonderama' and 'Mattascope', Wow! I think maybe it was too much!!
Sadly, this would be Lou Costello's last film & the only one without Bud Abbott! Maybe it's me, maybe it's just this picture, but Lou looks a little lost and alone to me.
Here's the basic premise, Lou, as Arnie Pinsetter(and you do have to love that name)and Dorothy Provine as sweet little Emmy Lou Rossiter are going to get married. He has built this machine, and then everything goes wrong!!
Dorothy looks great no matter what size she is, but is not real happy with her boyfriend Lou after he transformed her!
Here's two way too cool guys! Joey Faye is the one on the left. Joey was one of 3 or 4 guys who staked claim to the burlesque bit "Slowly I turned, step by step" made famous by The Three Stooges, Abbott & Costello and more. Doodles Weaver on the right, worked with one our heroes, Spike Jones, and was the voice of the announcer in Spike's horse race version of the "William Tell Overture" etc, etc. Unfortunately, even talent of this caliber can't save a film like this! Doodles Weaver is actually Sigourney Weaver's uncle, can you see the resemblance?
So the Boosters help Artie get Emily set up!
Emily is in the barn taking a shower, with Artie providing the water with a firehose!!
Right about then, this gooberfied helicopter pilot, played by Jack Straw (Father of singer and actress Syd Straw) who is supposed to be guiding the troops, flies over the scene, and totally looses control when he spots Emily!!!
The really not too bad special effects were done by the wizard Jack Rabin, and the 'giant' scenes are literally head and shoulders above movies like "The Cyclops', but you still gotta wonder if Mr. B.I.G. would have made a better version of this film than this!!! Dorothy has just had about enough of this crap by this point!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Destroy All Monsters Stills
So, click here to DESTROY ALL CRITTERS!!
Watchin' monsters on Monster Island. All Earth monster rounded up and put there. Kept there by gas and electronic junk. Hey, it 1999!!
When you on Moon Base, you can see UFOs or make phone call to Earth and say stupid thing that don't translate to English good!!
Space Chick looking good, but don't try to touch boob!!!
Tabonga favorite goofball...
Rare dragon monster, I think also in ATRAGON.
Earth dudes seen enough!
Time to break Space Chick dealie-ma-whopper!.. And, they do it too!!!!
Back on Earth, all monsters get loose, tear crap outta everything, and then assemble in big field near Mt, Fuji! Man... Monsters pretty smart!
Space Chick have ace in hole, send out Ghidrah, 3 Headed Monster aka Monster Zero! He tough SOB, take on everbloody and be kickin' their ass!!..
Earth have to bring in second-string monsters, big ugly spider and Minya, Son of Godzilla!!
But, it all pay off somehow, Ghidrah get pounded into ground and all Space Chick get scared when Godzilla step on 'em!!
Watchin' monsters on Monster Island. All Earth monster rounded up and put there. Kept there by gas and electronic junk. Hey, it 1999!!
When you on Moon Base, you can see UFOs or make phone call to Earth and say stupid thing that don't translate to English good!!
Space Chick looking good, but don't try to touch boob!!!
Tabonga favorite goofball...
Rare dragon monster, I think also in ATRAGON.
Earth dudes seen enough!
Time to break Space Chick dealie-ma-whopper!.. And, they do it too!!!!
Back on Earth, all monsters get loose, tear crap outta everything, and then assemble in big field near Mt, Fuji! Man... Monsters pretty smart!
Space Chick have ace in hole, send out Ghidrah, 3 Headed Monster aka Monster Zero! He tough SOB, take on everbloody and be kickin' their ass!!..
Earth have to bring in second-string monsters, big ugly spider and Minya, Son of Godzilla!!
But, it all pay off somehow, Ghidrah get pounded into ground and all Space Chick get scared when Godzilla step on 'em!!
Indian Scarf Stills
Although Edgar Wallace is known mostly as a mystery writer, he does play one very, very important part in the big picture of what we know as 'Monster' movies, just because of the fact that "King Kong" was his idea!! Edgar didn't actually write the script because he died while working on it! It just doesn't get much bigger than that! Edgar was a very popular writer and his books took an even bigger upsurge in the 60's, through a series of German films that went from 1959 to 1971! This series of films also helped elevate him to the position of writer with the most books made into movies award!
In 1963 Rialto Films released "Das Indische Tuch" or "The Indian Scarf" directed by the crazy amazing Alfred Vohrer!!
The music is composed by the phenomenal Peter Thomas, whose career spans at least 50 years of brilliance, and includes a number of these Edgar Wallace films! This stuff still stands original to this day!! I did some searching for you, and I couldn't find any Edgar Wallace on Netflix, but there are a number of titles available at Amazon, just in case you need a fix!
This very opulent room really bugs me!!! It's got a stuffed horse, and a giant bust!! What's up with that crap?
This is a very interesting pairing that reminded me a lot of some people you see in the news these days. A rather portly, well-dressed, white haired gentleman, and a younger, decent looking woman with her hair up, wearing horn-rimmed glasses, but it's 45 years ago!! Wow!!
Here is Klaus Kinski in the role of Peter Ross. Klaus had been in 3 or 4 other Edgar Wallace flicks before this, and his career was really getting rolling, but he was already probably getting kinda krazy!
Leave it to the Germans to come up with a whole new take on the 'spying eyes looking through the portait concept!!'
We're going for the big Edgar Wallace one, two punch, so be sure and check back in tomorrow night for the opus "Zimmer 13," or "Room 13." It's a Musical Mystery Monsterpiece way out and beyond compare!!!!
In 1963 Rialto Films released "Das Indische Tuch" or "The Indian Scarf" directed by the crazy amazing Alfred Vohrer!!
The music is composed by the phenomenal Peter Thomas, whose career spans at least 50 years of brilliance, and includes a number of these Edgar Wallace films! This stuff still stands original to this day!! I did some searching for you, and I couldn't find any Edgar Wallace on Netflix, but there are a number of titles available at Amazon, just in case you need a fix!
This very opulent room really bugs me!!! It's got a stuffed horse, and a giant bust!! What's up with that crap?
This is a very interesting pairing that reminded me a lot of some people you see in the news these days. A rather portly, well-dressed, white haired gentleman, and a younger, decent looking woman with her hair up, wearing horn-rimmed glasses, but it's 45 years ago!! Wow!!
Here is Klaus Kinski in the role of Peter Ross. Klaus had been in 3 or 4 other Edgar Wallace flicks before this, and his career was really getting rolling, but he was already probably getting kinda krazy!
Leave it to the Germans to come up with a whole new take on the 'spying eyes looking through the portait concept!!'
We're going for the big Edgar Wallace one, two punch, so be sure and check back in tomorrow night for the opus "Zimmer 13," or "Room 13." It's a Musical Mystery Monsterpiece way out and beyond compare!!!!