Saturday, August 4, 2012
All Black Punk Thugs Require Trayvon Martin Solution

Mobile police need your help to catch a mob that beat Matthew Owens so badly that he’s in critical condition.
According to police, Owens fussed at some kids playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive about 8:30 Saturday night.
They say the kids left and a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.
Police tell News 5 the suspects used chairs, pipes and paint cans to beat Owens.
New York Times Still ObaMedia Propaganda Outlet

Today’s New York Times offers a stunning revelation for anyone who hasn’t been following the news out of Washington for the past three years: President Barack Obama is bypassing Congress and using his executive authority to unilaterally implement his policies of choice, irrespective of the will of the people.
The Times cites an episode last fall when the president declared in a White House meeting “that the administration needed to more aggressively use executive power to govern in the face of Congressional obstructionism.”
And so was born the president’s “We Can’t Wait” slogan, which has become a mantra for the Obama Administration’s unilateral form of governance.
The Times overlooks the fact that the president’s “new” slogan had been conceived and implemented well before last fall.
States Should Tell Fed Gov To Take A Hike

With a handful of words, the Founders set forth a simple principle that protects a central liberty enjoyed by all in this Republic — the freedom of speech, as recognized in the First Amendment.
Yet after more than 200 years of history, liberals in Congress — including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) — aim to set that freedom on its head so they can further their efforts to silence their political opponents.
The proposal, which is known as the “People’s Rights Amendment,” would amend the Constitution and hold that constitutional rights are only for “natural persons,” meaning that corporations and legal entities would no longer enjoy the freedoms the Constitution guarantees.
That would apply not just to companies like General Electric, but also to newspapers, churches, nonprofits, businesses, labor unions and book publishers alike. Individuals acting collectively — whatever their purpose — would wave the freedom of speech goodbye.
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