I'd love to check out those Dracula novels on this page!
Here's a whole mess of monster mags I hope to acquire some day!
Lots of good stuff offered here... sadly, I'm sure these are all out of print!
Yes, I wanted most of these... the only item here I ever had was the Rodan model kit, though! And yes, I still want almost all of these items these days!
It wouldn't be a Famous Monsters issue without ads for some classic monster masks, eh?
Yes, the pages are getting small again for "Graveyard Examiner," sort of puzzle pages!
And big again! My family used to have that "Monster Mash Sounds of Terror" record!
Here's the conclusion of the letter column!
The ubiquitous Captain Company order form!
The inside back cover features more Star Wars merchandise!
And we wrap up coverage with this view of the outside back cover, promoting the Star Wars and Close Encounters one-shot magazines!