Mego Pocket Heroes Hulk is our first item in today's parade, which starts out with some Mego stuff and goes on from there before getting into a bunch of Monkees stuff!
Mego Spidey Copter! Or is that the one that Empire put out? Well, it's to scale with the Megos anyway...
Micronauts Battle Cruiser!
Micronauts Star Defender!
Mighty Mouse Argentina premium of some kind!
Mighty Mouse Puzzle!
A different Mighty Mouse puzzle!
Mighty Mouse record!
Time for some toy projectors! First, the Minicinex Pop, which certainly appears to be an Easy-Show Projector licensor!
Mini Royal Projector... made in Japan, perhaps? Looks like it came with a Charlie Chaplin and Zorro film! Well, a Chaplin film and a Zorro film, not one film with both of them in it...
Monkees 1966 tour book pages!
1967 Monkees concert poster!
Head poster!
Monkees Mexican records!
More of the Monkees Souvenir Song Book!
Monkees novel!
The Monkees on the cover of Parade Magazine!
I believe this paperback book reprinted stories from the Monkees comic published by Dell!
Monkees post cards!
Monkees puzzle!
Oh, let's get a few more things in, shall we?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail Half Sheet!
Captain Harlock movie viewer!