Ladies and gremlins, Dungeon Main Man...
This music by Ron Stein and Les Baxter (uncredited) sound pretty creepy, but flick is boring and contrived! Give listen to...
The Terror, The Terror! Story by Leo Gordon and Jack Hill!
Okay, so Jack is fancy French officer and he get lost and fall down in ocean!.. (?) Later he wake up looking at big face of witch Dorothy Neumann who in also THE UNDEAD and THE GHOST OF DRAGSTRIP HOLLOW. Anyway, scare Jack and make him jump! Then she bring out big bird (Helene) and scare his ass 'gain!! After that he look over at Jonathan (Seymour Krelboin) Haze and Jonathan do
that to him!!!
For reason nobody know, ghost Helene (big bird) like to flirt with Jack. In real life, Jack married to Sandra Knight when make this flick.
Jack finally find his way to castle of Boris... Boris not really like him. Other Dungeon favorite Dick (Walter Paisley) Miller there as Boris dapper butler! Boris tell him to keep eye on Jack, he too nosy. Helene is ghost wife of Boris and things gettin' all tangled up!
Dick not happy camper here!..
Hmmm, maybe Tabonga look pretty cool with scarf too!
This part too weird for even Tabonga!! Okay, Jonathan get eye claw out by Helene as big bird, then he stumble off side of cliff and plummet onto rocks! Jack run down to check and guess what?!!!... Jonathan still alive and he mumbling to Jack!!!!...
Dummy look
sooo bad!!
Tabonga guess he kinda see why Jack like Sandra!
This great, she beating up Boris!
But... Then... This!!!