So, Eegah!! want cosmic balls keep spinning!.. Fine!.. Go!!
COSMIC MONSTER MUSIC (and at the pub)
Sharples work in film from 1950 to 1981!
Not bad!! Look like this only sci-fi he do tho! And, he was music director on Benny Hill Show
1955!! Do mainly Brit TV drama and work on one Hitchcock show!
Hey! It Sgt. O'Rourke!!...... Oh, and a-hole science dude on right (get it?) who like to burn hole in atmosphere!
Drunks in Britain go on rampage when TV go off unexpectedly!!..
Tabonga love this pic of Gil blowin' smoke!..
Cool, man, cool!
Smoking mandatory to work on tonight flick!
Here Gil checkin' out two facts and a figure!!
Tabonga not sure that tobacco in Gil joint there!
Sometime, dudes from Planet X all stuck up because they have UFO and little girls don't!..
Hey! Look what I found!.. I'm gonna sit on it!!
Gaby get trapped by giant cockroach in giant spider lair!.. Whoa!!
Then, Army shoot and kill all bugs!!..
GOODNIGHT EVERYBLOODY!! Tabonga job done here, now, get to ride in dude's saucer!!
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