Time to look at another monster mag, and this time around, I've picked another issue of Quasimodo's Monster Magazine (in fact, the only other issue I have of this, at least as of this writing). Published by Mayfair Publications, cover-dated November, 1975! I couldn't find a credit for the cover painting of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
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The inside front cover is one of those mail-order martial arts courses, nothing you probably haven't seen before. Then we get to page 3, the table of contents, which features photos of the Mummy, Peter Lorre, The Phantom of the Opera, and the Frankenstein Monster and Lon Chaney Jr (probably from Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man, with Lugosi playing the Monster), and Mr. Hyde. The credits on this page are Tony Tallarico, Editor; Max Weldon, Associate Editor; Anthony Nina, Assistant Editor; Charles Foster, Art Director; and Donna Charles Thomas, Assistant Art Director. There's also a "contributing monsters" credit.
Steve Abrams' cover-story on Jekyll and Hyde Through the Years leads off the articles, with photos of Frederic March as Hyde.
The article is a pretty decent overview of portrayals of Jekyl and Hyde, starting with the novel itself by Robert Louis Stevenson, and then going on to stage productions, including one that was filmed in 1908 by the Polyscope Company.
It goes on to mention two more versions filmed in 1910, two in 1913 (including one by Universal), and the the first classic version in 1920 for Paramount, starring Joh Barrymore. MGM made their own competing version around this time, and is apparently pretty bad.
Paramount's 1931 version is next, starring Frederic March. That's followed up by the 1941 MGM version starring Spencer Tracy, and then Hammer's own version in 1960.
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